Install RSAT from PowerShell
This script will detect if RSAT is installed, and if it’s not, then install. At the end it will return as $true or $false.
This script will detect if RSAT is installed, and if it’s not, then install. At the end it will return as $true or $false.
Error 25007. Error occurred initializing fusion. Setup could not load fusion with LoadLibraryShim(). If you received this error I was able to resolve this issue by doing the following recommendation. Back up all relevant .NET files and removing .NET. Then run the Windows update and Install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and […]
If you are a hosting environment that is in more than one geographic location you will need to know DNS fail-over. This is a built in feature within DNS. Let’s say you are going to host a website, well you would configure your registrars DNS so that your A-Record’s (i.e. “www”, “@(no address)”) point to […]
It is common practice to keep your server up to date. I came across this error while updating my Exchange Server 2007 to the next service pack. I found many different methods to fix this problem on the internet but none of them worked. Below was the error message I received when trying to visit […]
I started thinking about this last night. I know the significance of DNS within my field and I thought I would blog about it today. DNS is such a power tool, the average user uses it all the time and probably doesn’t know it. DNS plays a huge role in connection everyone to everyone. It […]